How do I whitelist an entire domain?

1. If you want whitelist an entire domain, you need to send an email to assp-white@yourdonaun.tld. Replace "yourdomain.tld" with your actual domain name.

2. Enter "add to whitelist" in the subject line of the email.

3. Put the "*" in the body section of your email. Replace "" with the actual domain you want to whitelist. You may enter multiple email addresses in the body of the message. Please make sure to have only one email address per line.




4. Send your email.

Important Note: In order to use the whitelisting system you must be using our outgoing mail server to send email. If you use your ISP's smtp server, your whitelist submission will not be accepted. When the whitelist will be reloaded on your mailserver , the whitelisted email will bypass every email filter. Please review the help files in the SPAM/ASSP section in cPanel.

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