How To Import Large MySQL Files

1. Bigdump:

A script called BigDump.php, a staggered SQL dump importer. It executes only a small part of the huge dump and restarts itself. The next session starts where the last was stopped to keep you from running into your server’s limits. Instructions for using it are on the BigDump website. Basically you place your SQL file in a folder on your server, along with the bigdump.php file. You edit that file with your database information and then visit the page on your server and set the import to go. This is a fairly quick process and will save you a lot of time.

2.  splitting up your SQL file

Download a program that will split up your SQL file, such as SQLDumpSplitter2. This is a free SQL dump file splitter that will let you determine how big your chops will be and will automatically cut and save your split SQL file.
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