

Internet Corporation of Assigned Names & Numbers


  Registry Status Codes


 Criteria for registering a domain name

Who can register a domain? The SLD is a closed one and reserver ONLY for tertiary...

 Criteria for registering a domain name

Who can register a domain?Allotment of is restricted to the constituents o...

 Criteria for registering a domain name

Who can register a domain? is a closed domain. Registrants in the SLD are...

 IMPORTANT: New ICANN RAA email verification requirements for 2014

ICANN, the governing body for domain name registration, has modified the RAA (Registrar...

 RGP Status (redemptionPeriod)

1.  What is RGP?RGP stands for Redemption Grace Period. The Redemption Grace Period is a...

 What is WHOIS?

What is WHOIS?WHOIS is the name of a searchable database maintained by the registrar, which...